
Heart讨论 | 贡献2020年8月25日 (二) 14:47的版本 Hive离线选品推荐
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字段意思:商品页数,一级分类,二级分类,三级分类,商品图片,商品名称,商品价格,商品价格范围,商品单位,公司名称,公司网址,地址,"几年老店",标签 字段名:productId,productPage,categoryOne,categoryTwo,categoryThr,productImg,productName,productPrice,productPrices,productUnit,companyName,companyUrl,address,year,tags

1,1,Apparel_Textiles & Accessories,Apparel,Apparel Design Services,//,embroidery 
digitizing 24h on line,1,$1.00-$2.00,Unit,Shen Zhen Happitoo Textile Co._ Ltd.,//,China,1,Apparel 
Design Apparel_Textessories Services;


create table data(
    productId string,
    productPage int,
    categoryOne string,
    categoryTwo string,
    categoryThr string,
    productImg string,	
    productName string,
    productPrice string,
    productPrices string,
    productUnit string,
    companyName string,
    companyUrl string,
    address string,
    year int,
    tags string)
    row format delimited fields terminated by ',';

2020-08-25 213446.png


load data local inpath '/root/sj.txt' into table data;


select * from data;


create table Grade()
insert into Grade values("low","middlw","high");


#!/usr/bin/env bash
#test1=`hive -S -e "select count(*) from data;"`
#echo ${test1}
test3=`hive -S -e "create table aaa_data as select *,rank() over(order by productPrice asc) as pm from data;"`
echo ${test3}
test4=`hive -S -e "select count(*)*0.3 from aaa_data;"`
test5=`hive -S -e "select count(*)*0.6 from aaa_data;"`
testlow=`hive -S -e "select low from Grade;"`
testmiddlw=`hive -S -e "select middlw from Grade;"`
testhigh=`hive -S -e "select high from Grade;"`
echo ${testlow}
echo ${testmiddlw}
echo ${testhigh}
echo ${test1}
echo ${test4}
echo ${test5}
#test6=`hive -S -e "select a,b,h,case
#    when pm<=${test4} then ${testlow}
#    when pm>=${test4} and pm<${test5} then ${testmiddlw}
#    when pm>=${test5} then ${testhigh}
#    else null end as Praaa from aaa_info,Grade;"`
#echo ${test6}
output=`hive -S -e "create table data_output as select productId,productPage,categoryOne,categoryTwo,categoryThr,productImg,productName,productPrice,productPrices,productUnit,companyName,companyUrl,address,year,tags,case when pm<=${test4} then ${testlow} when pm>=${test4} and pm<${test5} then ${testmiddlw} when pm>=${test5} then ${testhigh} else null end as Praaa from aaa_data,Grade;"` echo ${output}

2020-08-25 224630.png