Nazarbayev S Granddaughter And Her Mansion In

D3qxtfz004讨论 | 贡献2023年8月9日 (三) 18:41的版本 (创建页面,内容为“It is not yet clear how the unrest in Kazakhstan will end, but it is already known that the coun­try’s first pres­i­dent has room to retreat. He can go to his f…”)
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It is not yet clear how the unrest in Kazakhstan will end, but it is already known that the coun­try’s first pres­i­dent has room to retreat. He can go to his favorite hotel in Karlovy Vary, or to his broth­er Bolat in the USA, or to London to his daugh­ter Dariga. “Exit to the Sea” has found a new alter­nate air­field where Nursultan Abishevich can land — a mod­est estate in Cannes, on the Cote d’Azur.

The man­sion at Cannes, boule­vard Leader, was bought by SCI CDG Garden House in 2009 for €4.7 mil­lion, accord­ing to French cadas­tre data.

A lit­tle ear­li­er, a com­pa­ny with an autho­rized cap­i­tal of €10,000 was acquired by two indi­vid­u­als: Italian lawyer Massimiliano Dall’osso and Venera Nazarbayeva, daugh­ter of Dariga Nazarbayeva and grand­daugh­ter of the first pres­i­dent of Kazakhstan. At that time, Venera Nazarbayeva was only nine years old.

According to an extract from the com­mer­cial reg­is­ter of France, SCI CDG Garden House is owned by Venera Nazarbayeva for 99.99%, the remain­ing 0.01% is reg­is­tered with the lawyer Massimiliano Dall’osso. He is the direc­tor of this com­pa­ny and signs the doc­u­ments for Nazarbayev’s granddaughter.

window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-64a84f262a307')Signature of a lawyer for Venera Nazarbayev (at that time — Aliyev, after his father)

The house of Venera Nazarbayeva is locat­ed on the west­ern out­skirts of Cannes on a hill over­look­ing the Cannes Bay of the Ligurian Sea. It is not close to the water, this is not the first line — two kilo­me­ters by car. But this is an area of rich res­i­dences, where there are no strangers. A lit­tle high­er up the hill there is a for­est for qui­et walks.

On the ter­ri­to­ry of the half-hectare plot (4819 m²), in addi­tion to the main two-sto­ry house, there is a swim­ming pool, a pri­vate ten­nis court, a two-car garage and outbuildings.

window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-64a84f262a334')Satellite view of the estate. Red shows the bound­ary between adja­cent parcels

Now the view from the boule­vard to the house of Venera Nazarbayeva is secure­ly hid­den from pry­ing eyes by a hedge. But back in 2011, the veg­e­ta­tion was not so lush. This is what a house looked like on Google StreetView ten years ago.

window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-64a84f262a33f')House of Venera Nazarbayeva in Cannes in February 2011

It was not by chance that we men­tioned the Italian Massimiliano Dall’osso above. This lawyer has been repeat­ed­ly men­tioned in the con­text of the Family’s real estate. It is Massimiliano Dall’osso who for­mal­ly owns the British com­pa­nies that man­age com­mer­cial real estate in cen­tral London. Way to the Sea has already described how an unknown buy­er bought an entire block of Baker Street — includ­ing the house at 221B Baker Street, where the writer Arthur Conan Doyle set­tled his hero, detec­tive Sherlock Holmes.

window.tgpQueue.add('tgpli-64a84f262a349')The prop­er­ty of Dariga Nazarbayeva and her son on Baker Street

Having stud­ied the leaked cor­re­spon­dence, The Times jour­nal­ists in 2020 found that the com­plex of build­ings on Baker Street is 90% owned by Dariga Nazarbayeva, the remain­ing 10% is owned by her son Nurali Aliyev. But nei­ther Dariga nor her son have ever con­firmed that the £185m prop­er­ty belongs to them. Now, with the dis­cov­ery of a com­mon lawyer, this con­nec­tion has received new confirmation.

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