B2b lead generation: 11 Thing You're Forgetting to Do

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The "thank-you" page as a way to generate extra sales.

This is another technique that is easy to set up and can

generate sales for you for years to come. ™

When you are looking for ways to increase the sales from your

email promotions , it's important to think outside the box.

Run through every step of your sales process and look for places

you could be losing easy sales.

Everybody talked about the importance of the subject line

and "From" address in any promotion you send , because these

are the very first elements your subscribers will see of any

email you send.

But what about the LAST thing your subscribers will see?

They click through from your e-mail promotion to your web side,

they purchase your product ,and then what?

This is another promotional strategy -it's another easy

way to capture even MORE sales from your customers

and push your profits eve higher.

I am talking about the "thank-you" page - the page you should

be directing any customer to after they have either:

a)opted into your email list

b)made a purchase from you.

Rather than leaving your customers high and dry on this page,

you should be presenting them with related offers and


Remember: a customers is MOST resistant to buying in the moments

before they decide to go ahead with they purchase. Their minds

are full of doubt.

Right AFTER they make a purchase , however, they feel much better.

They're excited to start making use of whatever it is they've just

purchased, and all that stress they felt before they made the

purchase- sometimes referred to as "buying resistance"-has

disappeared. This is why people who have made purchases from you

in the past are likely to do so again in the future - you've eliminated

most of their buying resistance.

Yet the "thank-you" page of most web sites typically says nothing more

than "Thanks for you purchase. Click here to return to my homepage"

This is huge mistake. Your "Thank-you" page should be directing

customers to related offers and opportunities.

If you sell upgrades or add on to the product that they have just

purchased, you should definitely be telling them about those

product at this point in the sales process.. After all, they have just

demonstrated their willingness to buy one of your product...

why not let them now about other products that you thing they

might need.

Let us face it, generating a lot of qualified sales leads is a big challenge, especially in today's economic slump. Lead generation is just one of the many things that have been affected by a weak market. Although, if we look at it from a different perspective, it is just another day in the office. Marketers are constantly faced with the challenge of BAO Inc looking for more B2B leads. No matter what obstacles there may be, they must always put their very best at it. Even if the market is in a slump, that is no reason to be slow. You have to give your very best in this kind of work. Here is how you should do it:

There is nothing to be worried about in this tough economic times. As long as you are up to the challenges in marketing, and creative enough to find solutions, then you will be just fine with your lead generation campaign.