object.success 回调函数
//index.js Page({ data: { demo_la: 48.1545, demo_lo: 82.3555907, latitude: 0, longitude: 0, begin_la: 0, begin_lo: 0, interval: 0, speed: 0, accuracy: 0, markers: [{ iconPath: "../../imgs/pic.jpg", id: 0, latitude: 39.9205, longitude: 116.4605, width: 30, height: 30 }] }, openLoc() { this.mapCtx.includePoints({ padding: [10], points: [{ latitude: 23.10229, longitude: 113.3345211, }, { latitude: 23.00229, longitude: 113.3345211, }] }) }, geoInfo() { var that = this wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', scale:18, success(res) { that.setData({ latitude: res.latitude, longitude: res.longitude, speed: res.speed, accuracy: res.accuracy, }) } }) console.log(this.data.latitude, this.data.longitude) }, startRun() { var that = this clearInterval(this.data.interval) wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success(res) { var la = res.latitude var lo = res.longitude that.setData({ begin_la: la, begin_lo: lo, 'markers[1]': { iconPath: "../../imgs/red.png", id: 1, latitude: la, longitude: lo, width: 20, height: 20 } }) } }) var interval = setInterval(() => { this.running() }, 1000) }, stopRun() { var that = this clearInterval(this.data.interval) wx.getLocation({ type: 'gcj02', success(res) { var la = res.latitude var lo = res.longitude that.setData({ latitude: la, longitude: lo, 'markers[2]': { iconPath: "../../imgs/yellow.png", id: 2, latitude: la, longitude: lo, width: 20, height: 20 } }) } }) console.log('开始位置', this.data.begin_la, this.data.begin_lo) console.log('结束位置', this.data.latitude, this.data.longitude) console.log(this.data) }, running() { this.data.latitude += 0.0002 this.data.longitude += 0.0002 }, center() { this.mapCtx.getCenterLocation({ success: function (res) { console.log(res.latitude,res.longitude) } }) }, trans() { this.mapCtx.translateMarker({ markerId: 0, autoRotate: false, duration: 3000, destination: { latitude: 40.30229, longitude: 116.7545211, }, animationEnd() { console.log('animation end') } }) }, onReady: function () { this.mapCtx = wx.createMapContext('myMap') }, })
//index.wxml <view class='top'> <button bindtap='geoInfo'>位置</button> <button bindtap='openLoc'>打开</button> <button bindtap='center'>定心</button> <button bindtap='trans'>动</button> </view> <map id='myMap' style="width:100%; height:350px" longitude='模板:Longitude' latitude='模板:Latitude' markers='模板:Markers' polyline="模板:Polyline" show-location subkey='IWLBZ-CK6R4-YXDUO-DQCXK-J5H4Z-DSBCI'> <cover-view calss='cover'> 经度:模板:Longitude 纬度:模板:Latitude 速度:模板:Speed </cover-view> </map> <button bindtap='startRun'>开始</button> <button bindtap='stopRun'>结束</button>